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Co harddisc dal

It's a game. A little English needed.

Pripomenul mi to derekpark s tym svojim "pokojne si sadnut a rozanalyzovat si/sa" (sorry for not being precise in quotation). Nie, ze by som to nerobil standardne, ale poslednou dobou su to dost cierne hodinky, tak som rozmyslal nad tym, ako to trochu odlahcit. OK, vzhladom na to, ze poznam obsah svojho HD, menim " odlahcit" na "modifikovat". Kliknete na priecinok "Hudba" pravym tlacitkom mysi a potom klik na "Prehrat v prehravaci Windows Media Player" (alebo cokolvek ine pouzivate) a potom - ak ho nemate kliknuty uz predtym - este jeden klik na "Random / Shuffle / Zapnut nahodny vyber". A potom nahodne vyberate jednu vetu z kazdej piesne...

...inside my shell I wait and bleed...

...what the hell are you trying? Now I know there's something more...

...welcom to where time still, no one leaves and no one will...

...she's the song that no one signs...she's a myth I have to believe in....

...but I want something good to die for, to make it beautiful to live,| I want a new mistake, lose is more than hesitate...

...I'm crying out, I'm crying out, I cannot seem to keep from freaking out....

...To all the leaves that fall in vain, while God and Goddess go insane...

...(instrumental Four Seasons by The Great Kat...just nuts fast and hilarious)...

...Would you look at me now, | Can you tell I'm a man | With the scars on my wrists | To prove I'll try again...

...You think you're special, you do | I can see it in your eyes | I can see it when you laugh at me, look down on me, walk around on me... | ..'cause I had enough of this, and now I'm pissed...

...take away the anchor, amplify the mystery, inhale the earth and wind...

...first it giveth and then it taketh away...

... I close my eyes, and to my surprise, my heart was beating, I was still alive...

...nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages...

...why do we sit around and break each other's hearts tonight | Why do we dance around the issues till the morning light?...

...the earth | will see | Our lives go blank tonight...

...but it's so easy to hate what you just can't be...tell me the truth...

...Now you're stepping inside where you can't be afraid | It's a matter of pride when you enter the cage...

...swimming throught the void | we hear the word | we lose ourselves | but we find it all ... | ...we are the ones that want to choose | always want to play | but who never want to lose...

...(sice nie instrumentalka, ale zakladny riff z "Antisocial" ;-)...

...(neviem, co spieva Marta Jandova v "En Vie", ale francuzstina vo fatalistickej suite pre styri violoncella a bicie je BREATH-TAKING! )...

...She seems dressed in all the rings of past fatalities... | ...she is everything and more...when I see her it's worse......(proste cely Vermilion, Pt 1 aj Pt 2!)...

...I push my fingers into my eyes | It's the only things that slowly stops the ache | But it's made of all the things I have to take | Jesus, it never ends, it works its way inside | If the pain goes on | I'm not gonna make it!!! ...

...'cause there's nothing else to do | every me and every you...

...why doesn't anybody listen | why doesn't anybody hear...?...

...cely "The Chauffer" v podani Deftones...

...a journey through the desert | of the mind | with no hope | I follow... | ... Heaven smiles above me | what a gift | here below | no one knows...

...I know why you wanna hate me | 'cause the hate is all that the world has seen lately...

...Sometimes I only remember the days when I was young | Nowadays, noone remebers when they were young and stupid...

...for bitterness inside | it's growing like the newborn | When you've seen too much.....

...There's a part of me | you'll never know | ... | Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly...'re lying on your side | with your arms between your thighs...

...Do the bad thing, take off your wedding ring...

...But the longest hous you'll have in  your life | are the ones you sit through to know if you're right | So I'll wait, but I pray that I'm wrong | because I think I know what's going on... | | STAY - you don't always know where you stand | 'til you know that you won't run away | There's something inside me that feels | like breathing in sulfur

Pomedzi to plne priehrstia Toolu, z ktoreho sa vety tazko vytrhavaju z kontextu. A na konci, ked si to po sebe precitate, ktore criepky ste si povyberali, mozno tie kamienky vytvoria ucelenejsiu mozaiku a vam sa podari spravit aspon jedno male spravne rozhodnutie.











The Scar | stály odkaz


  1. ...
    Rozhodne to stojí za vyskúšanie. Pripomenulo mi to toto: (snáď ten link pôjde)
    publikované: 07.03.2012 14:57:39 | autor: derekpark (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  2. bošše,
    sa tu začalo bratríčkovanie :)))
    publikované: 07.03.2012 15:52:53 | autor: Surrnerealna (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  3. DP, Sur,
    sorry, link sa sice otvril na "http.//" ale page zostal uplne blank. Co to malo byt?

    Sur, nemozem suhlasit - sa s DP normalne otvorene kritizujeme ;-))
    Problem je v mojom case - zatial som nestihol precitat nic ine, nez co som komentoval. A to je nahoda len do tej miery, ze ste obidvaja medzi najcitanejsimi... Ak superite, daj vediet, rozoslem linky kolegom a kamaratom ;-)

    A predsa teda jeden Tool:
    "Cold silence has | a tendency to | atrophy any | sense of compassion | between supposed lovers / between supposed brothers "
    publikované: 07.03.2012 22:03:49 | autor: UtherDoul (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  4. Doul,
    súperíme, ale ak prehrám, tak to bude na jeho škodu, tak neviem neviem, či by si nemal rozosielať len tie moje! :)))
    publikované: 07.03.2012 22:44:06 | autor: Surrnerealna (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  5. Well, Derek,
    Love or ego?
    BTW, Suri (?), zbytocne si mi dala na vyber - povodne som mal na mysli rozosielanie len tvoje links. Ale..fakt potrebujes greenhorn's support to win the game?

    Yeap, este nieco very important: nie je to zas taka nahoda - keby to nestalo za comment, tak ziadny nie je. Bez ohladu na statistiky.
    publikované: 07.03.2012 23:02:47 | autor: UtherDoul (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  6. Doul,
    láskyplné ego asi :)))
    A ja inak drahého upodozrievam, že on tie svoje linky vešia v práci na nástenku, inak si to neviem vysvetliť ! :))))
    publikované: 07.03.2012 23:10:47 | autor: Surrnerealna (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
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