Opice z Antarktidy
Velmi daleko od hubdobnej kritiky. Pretrvavajuci a opakujuci sa sok z toho, ako niekto iny moze napisat hudbu, ktora tak presne vystihuje moju realitu. Odporucam kazdemu, nie len Tebe, ku ktorej to svojim metafyzicnom presahuje.
Bloody Valentine '96
Do you remember this? It's a word-to-word transcription of a handwriting I found, dated back on 14/02/1996 AD, and I believe you did read it back then. Me myself didn't remember the ending - and it struck a nerve. Hard. It's getting closer...
Co harddisc dal
It's a game. A little English needed.
Slepa ulicka. Az na dno.
Ako dlho mozete ist, kym zistite, ze je to slepa ulicka?